Book Review of "Extreme Couponing"
I have been a fan of the television show “Extreme Couponing'” but frustrated that they don't show you how to make it happen. I bought the book written by Joni Meyer-Crothers with Beth Adelman in hope that the secrets would be revealed. I pretty much already knew the information but have never achieved the same results.
It was nice reading about how she began using coupons. I could relate. I've been in those struggling situations and could have used getting free items. I've never been able to get the extreme items but have always been good at finding a fun deal here and there on a single item. Mostly, I just made do with what I had.
I did find a blog that seemed helpful so plan on trying in out this week. Tomorrow, I will get the newspaper and really compare the various store ads with the coupons and see if any match up. I signed up for a couponing workshop.
The obstacles I've had are finding stores near me that double, stack and give cash back. The limits have also been four per day. The frustrating part is having coupons for items that are not on sale and then expire before getting to use them. Then, they go in the trash bin. Another frustration is not having money to buy these items because it is needed to buy meat, dairy and produce.
I do get excited when I get a reward but had to spend a lot of money to get it that I probably shouldn't have spent.
My best value budgeting has always been memberships because at least I always have something to do that I can count on. I also like the warehouse memberships but can't benefit from the same coupons. Then, there was always the balance between processed food and healthy food. Now that my children are grown, I am wanting to transition to organic, non-processed food. I would like to know how I can make that happen.
I plan on experimenting over the next year to see if I can figure this system out. Wouldn't it be wonderful if none of my children or grandchildren ever had to buy groceries? If I could help them out, I would feel like all the early days of struggle made me into a resource that nothing else could compare with. It would be a good feeling to be able to give like Joni has been able to do. Wish me luck. We'll see what happens.
Source by Laura M Schroeder